Badhai Ho Beti Huee Hai (2022) is a heartwarming drama featuring Jaya Prada, Yamini Swami, and Arryaman Seth. This film explores the journey of a girl who faces rejection from society and her family since birth, only to later become a blessing for both.
Movie Name | Badhai Ho Beti Huee Hai (2022) Hindi Movie |
Release Date | 11 November 2022 |
Language | Hindi |
Genre | Drama, Family |
Duration | 2h 6min |
Starcast | Jaya Prada, Yamini Swami, Arryaman Seth |
Story of Badhai Ho Beti Huee Hai
Badhai Ho Beti Huee Hai (2022) tells the inspiring tale of a girl who faces rejection and neglect from society and her family since birth. Despite the hardships, she perseveres and grows up to become a beacon of hope and positivity, ultimately proving to be a blessing for both her family and society.
The film beautifully portrays the resilience of the human spirit and the transformative power of love and acceptance. Through its touching narrative and heartfelt performances, Badhai Ho Beti Huee Hai (2022) leaves a lasting impression, reminding viewers of the importance of compassion and understanding in our lives.
Faq for Badhai Ho Beti Huee Hai
**Q) Who are the main stars in Badhai Ho Beti Huee Hai (2022)?**
Ans: The main stars in Badhai Ho Beti Huee Hai (2022) include Jaya Prada, Yamini Swami, and Arryaman Seth.
**Q) When was Badhai Ho Beti Huee Hai (2022) released?**
Ans: Badhai Ho Beti Huee Hai (2022) was released on 11th November 2022.