Cat and Dog is a delightful animated adventure comedy dubbed in Hindi that promises laughter and excitement for viewers of all ages. Featuring the voices of Franck Dubosc, Reem Kherici, and Philippe Lacheau, the movie follows the misadventures of a cat and a dog who escape from their cages at the airport. As their owners join forces to track down their beloved pets, chaos ensues, leading to a series of hilarious and heartwarming encounters. With its charming characters and humorous storyline, Cat and Dog is a must-watch for families and animal lovers alike.
Table of Content:
Movie Name | Cat and Dog (2024) Hindi Dubbed |
Release Date | 14 Feb 2024 |
Language | Hindi |
Dubbed In | Not available |
Genre | Animation, Adventure, Comedy |
Duration | 86 min |
Cast | Franck Dubosc, Reem Kherici, Philippe Lacheau |
Director | Not available |
Writer | Not available |
Cinematography | Not available |
Music | Not available |
Producer | Not available |
Production | Not available |
Ratings | Not available |
Story of Cat and Dog: Cat and Dog follows the hilarious escapades of a cat and a dog who manage to escape from their cages at the airport. As chaos ensues, their owners must put aside their differences and work together to track down their prized pets. Along the way, they encounter a colorful cast of characters and embark on a wild adventure filled with laughter and heartwarming moments. With its charming animation and endearing storyline, Cat and Dog is sure to delight audiences of all ages.
Faq for Cat and Dog:
Q: When was Cat and Dog released?
A: Cat and Dog was released on 14th February 2024.
Q: What is the genre of Cat and Dog?
A: Cat and Dog falls under the genres of animation, adventure, and comedy.
Q: Who are the main stars in Cat and Dog?
A: The main stars of Cat and Dog are Franck Dubosc, Reem Kherici, and Philippe Lacheau.
Q: Is Cat and Dog available in English?
A: No, it is dubbed in Hindi only.