Khiladi Housewife (2024) is an electrifying action-thriller featuring Priyamani, Sharanya Pradeep, and Seerat Kapoor. This film, also known as ‘Bhamakalapam 2,’ follows the story of Anupama, the formidable housewife who faces off against a corrupt cop after being falsely accused. Will her cunning plan lead to victory in this gripping showdown?
Movie Name | Khiladi Housewife (2024) South Indian Hindi Dubbed Movie |
Release Date | 26 March 2024 |
Language | Hindi Dubbed |
Genre | Action, Thriller |
Duration | 2h 8min |
Starcast | Priyamani, Sharanya Pradeep, Seerat Kapoor |
Story of Khiladi Housewife
Khiladi Housewife (2024), also known as ‘Bhamakalapam 2,’ follows the gripping tale of Anupama, the fierce housewife who finds herself embroiled in a battle against a corrupt police officer. Falsely accused and facing grave danger, Anupama must devise a cunning plan to outwit her adversary and emerge victorious in a thrilling showdown.
As tensions escalate and the stakes grow higher, Khiladi Housewife takes audiences on a heart-pounding journey filled with suspense, action, and unexpected twists. With its riveting storyline and powerhouse performances, this film is sure to keep viewers on the edge of their seats from start to finish.
Faq for Khiladi Housewife
**Q) Who are the main stars in Khiladi Housewife (2024)?**
Ans: The main stars in Khiladi Housewife (2024) include Priyamani, Sharanya Pradeep, and Seerat Kapoor.
**Q) When was Khiladi Housewife (2024) released?**
Ans: Khiladi Housewife (2024) was released on 26th March 2024.