Shirley is a captivating biographical drama dubbed in Hindi, offering viewers a poignant glimpse into the life of Shirley Chisholm, America’s first Black congresswoman. Starring Regina King, Lance Reddick, and Terrence Howard, the movie unfolds the inspiring journey of Shirley Chisholm as she breaks barriers and challenges the status quo in pursuit of equality and justice. Released on 15th March 2024, Shirley is a compelling tribute to a trailblazing figure in American history.
Table of Content:
Movie Name | Shirley (2024) Hindi Dubbed |
Release Date | 15 March 2024 |
Language | Hindi |
Dubbed In | Not available |
Genre | Biography, Drama, History |
Duration | 1h 56min |
Cast | Regina King, Lance Reddick, Terrence Howard |
Director | Not available |
Writer | Not available |
Cinematography | Not available |
Music | Not available |
Producer | Not available |
Production | Not available |
Ratings | Not available |
Story of Shirley: Shirley is a powerful biographical drama that chronicles the remarkable life of Shirley Chisholm, the first Black congresswoman in America. Through compelling storytelling and stellar performances, the movie highlights Chisholm’s fearless advocacy for civil rights, women’s rights, and social justice. From her groundbreaking political career to her enduring legacy, Shirley celebrates the indomitable spirit of a trailblazer who paved the way for future generations.
Faq for Shirley:
Q: When was Shirley released?
A: Shirley was released on 15th March 2024.
Q: What is the genre of Shirley?
A: Shirley falls under the genres of biography, drama, and history.
Q: Who are the main stars in Shirley?
A: The main stars of Shirley are Regina King, Lance Reddick, and Terrence Howard.
Q: Is Shirley available in English?
A: No, it is dubbed in Hindi only.