The Casagrandes Movie is a delightful animated adventure comedy dubbed in Hindi, perfect for audiences of all ages. Starring Izabella Alvarez, Sergio Aragonés, and Angélica Aragón, the movie follows the exciting journey of Ronnie Anne as her birthday plans take an unexpected turn during a surprise family trip to Mexico. Determined to assert her independence, Ronnie Anne embarks on a daring quest to confront an ancient preteen demigod and save the day. With its heartwarming storyline and hilarious antics, The Casagrandes Movie promises a fun-filled cinematic experience for the entire family.
Table of Content:
Movie Name | The Casagrandes Movie (2024) Hindi Dubbed |
Release Date | 22 March 2024 |
Language | Hindi |
Dubbed In | Not available |
Genre | Animation, Adventure, Comedy |
Duration | 1h 29min |
Cast | Izabella Alvarez, Sergio Aragonés, Angélica Aragón |
Director | Not available |
Writer | Not available |
Cinematography | Not available |
Music | Not available |
Producer | Not available |
Production | Not available |
Ratings | Not available |
Story of The Casagrandes Movie: The Casagrandes Movie follows the adventurous journey of Ronnie Anne, whose birthday plans take an unexpected turn during a surprise family trip to Mexico. Determined to prove her independence, Ronnie Anne sets out to confront an ancient preteen demigod whose angst threatens to unleash apocalyptic chaos. With its blend of humor, heart, and excitement, The Casagrandes Movie is a must-watch for fans of animation and adventure.
Faq for The Casagrandes Movie:
Q: When was The Casagrandes Movie released?
A: The Casagrandes Movie was released on 22nd March 2024.
Q: What is the genre of The Casagrandes Movie?
A: The Casagrandes Movie falls under the genres of animation, adventure, and comedy.
Q: Who are the main stars in The Casagrandes Movie?
A: The main stars of The Casagrandes Movie are Izabella Alvarez, Sergio Aragonés, and Angélica Aragón.
Q: Is The Casagrandes Movie available in English?
A: No, it is dubbed in Hindi only.