The Idol (2023) is a captivating drama web series starring Lily-Rose Depp, The Weeknd, and Suzanna Son. The series revolves around the intricate relationship between a self-help guru, who is also the leader of a modern-day cult, and a rising pop idol.
Movie Name | The Idol (2023) Web Series |
Release Date | 04 Jun 2023 |
Language | English |
Genre | Drama |
Duration | 54min |
Starcast | Lily-Rose Depp, The Weeknd, Suzanna Son |
Story of The Idol
The Idol (2023) delves into the complex dynamics between a self-help guru and the leader of a modern-day cult, and a rising pop idol. As their relationship unfolds, viewers are taken on a journey of intrigue, passion, and power struggles.
With its gripping storyline and stellar performances, The Idol (2023) offers a compelling exploration of fame, influence, and the human psyche. Through its dramatic twists and turns, the series keeps audiences on the edge of their seats, eager to uncover the truth behind the characters’ motivations and actions.
Faq for The Idol
**Q) Who are the main stars in The Idol (2023) Web Series?**
Ans: The main stars in The Idol (2023) Web Series include Lily-Rose Depp, The Weeknd, and Suzanna Son.
**Q) When was The Idol (2023) Web Series released?**
Ans: The Idol (2023) Web Series was released on 4th June 2023.